viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

My Carbon Footprint

o   What is your total estimated greenhouse gas emission per year?
36 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
o   What is your individual % breakdown for the four sections (Home Energy, Driving & Flying, Food & Diet and Recycling and Waste)?
Home Energy (75.9%)
Driving & Flying (14.0%)
Recycling & Waste (2.3%)
Food & Diet (7.8%)
o   How do your total and % breakdown compare to the average US person?
I am nine tons of carbon dioxide above the national average, which is 27.
o   How does your total compare to the world average?
I am 31 tons of carbon dioxide above the world average, which is 5.
o   How do you think you could decrease your carbon emissions for each of these categories?
The majority of my consumption was in home energy. Living in a Northeastern dorm, I was unsure of what to put for answers. When I have an apartment of my own, I can better control heating, lighting and appliances to decrease my carbon emissions.

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