miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

What I learned from class

In the United States, there is an increased domestication of fossil fuels. Imports have declined and production has increased. This is because the US is attempting to use up our fuel reserves while investing in green technologies. Under the Obama administration, they have been committed to renewable energy sources. During Obama’s first term, he was able to double the generation of renewable energy, which he intends to double once again by 2020. His administration’s climate action plan facilitates clean energy permitting on public land so more renewable infrastructure can be created. A further investment in green energies is a good economic investment for the American people, as it will create thousands of jobs. Obama intends to keep America as one of the leaders in this emerging field with the new policies he is proposing. Through leadership in the field, his administration intends to initiate an international discussion on how to best combat the climate issues we face. An effort will be made to privatize alternate energy investment so government resources can focus on other societal issues. 
Brazil differs from America for they have an abundance of renewable energy sources, while we are slowly attempting to more away from more harmful fuel sources. Brazil has a multitude of renewable resources in use, including wind (PROINFA), solar and bioenergy. The energy production by these sources has been dwarfed in recent years by an increased use of nonrenewable , such as petroleum and natural gas. Renewables create jobs and stimulate the economic and social growth of the poorer areas of the country. Brazil has a very effective ethanol fuel program based off of sugar cane and corn. At the moment in Brazil, a lot of the energy investment comes from the public sector, which takes resources away from other critical areas. The policies proposed will decrease total investment in renewable technologies to incentivize the private sector and state owned companies. A recent increase in imports of energy, mainly petroleum, harms the Brazilian currency and trade. A reduction of aforementioned imports can provide more jobs and stabilize the economy. PROCEL is a program designed to conserve Brazilian energy, which has been relatively successful; however, a further increase in efficiency of energy use could aid the individual’s economy and help society by reducing risk of energy shortages. As of 1999, a large portion of the Brazilian population still did not have household electricity. Increased access can change social and regional inequality in poorer areas and prevent deforestation. Brazil has been experiencing years of an unstable economy and inflation making many of these goals difficult to obtain.

1 comentario:

  1. Given that Brazil has more resources for renewable energies. Do you think that Brazil should invest more on hydroelectric infrastructure? Even though it can destroy some of its flora and fauna that surrounds it?
