domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Uma Verdade Incoveniente

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Based on the video; please answer the questions below in thoughtful and complete sentences.
1.     What image started the modern day environmental movement?
The image was taken of earth from space on the Apollo 8 mission in 1968. It was referred to as earth rise and 18 months after its publication, the modern say environmental movement started.
2.     What is considered the most vulnerable part of the earth system?
The atmosphere is considered the most vulnerable part of the earth system because it is so thin.
3.     Relatively speaking, compared to the earth, how thick is the atmosphere?
The thickness of the atmosphere is comparable to a thin varnish over a globe. It is so thin, in fact, that it’s composition is vulnerable to change.
4.     How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a GOOD thing?

Trapping infrared radiation can be a good thing because it keeps the earth within certain temperature bounds, relatively constant and livable.

5.     How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a BAD thing?
Trapping infrared radiation can be a bad thing because it consequently causes the atmosphere to heat up worldwide, hence global warming.

6.      What percentage of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water?
40% of the world’s population receives their drinking water from rivers and streams that come from glacial melt. They will inevitably face a severe shortage in the near future.

7.     Why is studying ice cores important?
When the snowfalls in a glacial ice core, it traps bubbles of atmosphere, which allow the measurement of CO2 levels in the atmosphere the year that bubble was trapped and over thousands of years. Equally important is that they can measure the different isotopes of oxygen the same year that bubble was trapped to create a precise thermometer for that year and over thousands of years.

8.     What is the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric temperature?
When there is more carbon dioxide, it gets warmer because it traps more heat from the sun.

9.     Over what time period have the hottest 10 years on earth occurred?
The ten hottest days on record have occurred in the last 14 years, the hottest year was the year in which this documentary was recorded. The temperature change is happening all over the world, including the oceans.

10.  As the water temperature under a hurricane increases, what happens to the wind velocity of the
As the water temperature under a hurricane increases, the wind velocity and moisture content increases. Consequently, the energy of the hurricane then increases, resulting in larger and stronger storms.
11.  What has happened to Lake Chad over the years?
Lake Chad was one of the largest lakes in the world in Northern Africa, specifically in Darfur and Niger, which over the last few decades has dried up completely.

12.  How much of the suns radiation gets reflected by ice?
More than 90% of the suns radiation is reflected back into space, like a mirror. However, when it hits the water surrounding the ice, 90% of it is absorbed, which warms the water, causing the ice to melt. The ice caps are necessary because by reflecting the sunrays back into space, it keeps the earth cooler. There is a faster buildup of heat in the artic ocean more than anywhere else on the planet.

13.  What redistributes energy from the equator to the north and south poles?
Energy is redistributed from the equator to the north and south poles by means of ocean and wind currents. These currents have been relatively stable until now, but with the increase in ocean temperature, they are subject to change.

14.   If the ice sheets of Western Antarctica were to melt, approximately how much would sea level
If the ice sheets of Western Antartica were to melt, the sea level would rise approximately 20 feet. The same would occur if the ice sheets of Greenland were to melt.
15.  List the three factors causing the collision between civilization and earth
1. The scientific and technological revolution paired with old habits. Larger than the human scale, which is a political issue.
2.  Population is increasingly extremely rapidly.
3. Exploitation of the earth and natural resources for sustenance.
16. Approximately, what percentages of global carbon dioxide emissions come from forest fires?
Almost 30% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from forest fires.
17. What country is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?
The United States is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
18. Which country has the lowest government standards for gas mileage of automobiles?
The United States has the lowest government standards for gas mileage for automobiles. California has taken the initiative to increase their stanards for gas mileage, which has led to them being sued by the American automobile companies to prevent competition from foreign competitors with higher standards for gas mileage.
19. Which two nations have not signed onto the Kyoto Protocol?
As of 2006, the United States and Australia have been the sole two nations in the developed world to abstain from the Kyoto Protocol.

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