miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

Trip to the market

On Monday, we went to a market in the center of the city to explore the various exotic fruits and vegetables. I made sure to try every fruit that was new to me at every vendor we passed. Although I was tempted to buy everything that I tried, I restrained myself. The following pictures are of all of the foods my group explored.

 Atemoia-Sugar Apple
 These had sort of a grainy texture but they were good, I probably tried them more than any other fruit.

 Acerola-West Indian Cherry
 Lichia Rambuta-Lychee Rambuta
These strange fruits of asian origin were delicious and had a gellatinous texture
 Our TA Christian eating Lichia Rambuta
 Mangostim-Purple Mangosteen
I had already tried this fruit in the US, for I learned at fat camp that they are extremely high in antioxidents and used in chinese medicine for cancer prevention. It is extremely scarce and expensive in the US, costing $US 40 for one jar of juice.
 Figos roxos-Purple Figs
Figs are awesome! Especially when paired with goat cheese and caramelized walnuts. I prefer dried mission figs to fresh figs.
 Tamaras- dates.
One of the vendors offered christian, gabby, jared and I a combo of strawberries and dates. It was an unexpected but delicious combination. Christian and I bought some dates and strawberries together but it was expensive!
 Jabuticaba-Same in English
These fruits were bizarre, they have a firm feel but when you bite into it, the gelatinous juice explodes into your mouth and it was gross. I had to spit it out.  
 Pitaya-Columbian Pitaya
 This mortadilla sandwich is the upgraded bologna sandwich of Brazil. It was delicious but heavy.
 Caju-Cashew (The fruit not the nut)
 The cashews on top are giant!

Some random pictures of fish found in the market.

It was a fun day at the market! I ended up buying salmon, a baby pineapple, strawberries, dates, mortadella, chocolate strawberries and some weird coconut dessert.

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